Report of Guest Lecture on “Work-Place Based Assessment” (01/01/2020)

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Department of Nursing Education (DONE), KAHER Institute of Nursing Sciences, organized workshop on “WORK-PLACE BASED ASSESSMENT” on 1st December 2020 at KAHER Institute of Nursing Sciences Belagavi. Guest speaker was Dr Snehal Dharmayat, Asso Professor and HOD of Community Physiotherapy, KIPT, Belagavi. Dr Snehal Dharmayat introduced the topic, why it is important to understand the need of WPBA and how the new modalities of assessment helps the evaluation of students performance in clinical setting. The tools of WPBA are Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS), Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise (mini-CEX) and Case-based discussion (CbD) are some of the most commonly used methods of workplace-based assessments these can be implemented in nursing education too.

No. of participants: 35 Nursing Faculty.