Report of CNE on “Challenges in Management of Lifestyle Disorders” (27/11/2019)

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Department of Community Health Nursing, KAHER Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi had organized a CNE on “Challenges in management of lifestyle disorders” at Seminar Hall on 27 th November 2019 with the objectives to sensitize and enhance the capacity of nursing students/ nurses in the management of lifestyle disorders. The program began with first session at 9:30-10:30am, Mrs. Namrata Devulkar, Asst. Prof.& HOD, Department of Community Health Nursing spoke on Introduction/Overview of Lifestyle Disorders. Inaugural function started at 10:35 am. The dignitaries present were Swami Mokshatmanandaji Maharaj, Ramkrishna Mission Ashrama, Belagavi, Prof. Dr. Sudha A Raddi Principal KAHER Institute of Nursing Sciences Belagavi, Mrs.Namrata Devulkar, Asst. Prof.& HOD, Mr. Shivrajkumar Dandagi, Asst. Professor, Mr. Sanjeev Badli Senior Tutor, Mr. Bhairgouda Patil Senior Tutor, Mr. Arjun Arer Senior Tutor, Mrs. Chandbee Junior Tutor, Ms. Vidyashree K Junior Tutor, Ms. Meghana D Junior Tutor.

Program began with invocation song followed by introduction and welcome speech by Mr. Shivarajkumar Dandagi Asst. Professor, Department of Community Health Nursing. The programme was inaugurated by watering a plant by the dignitaries. Chief Guest Swami Mokshatmanandaji Maharaj and guest of honour addressed the gathering. Prof. Dr. Sudha A Raddi gave the presidential remarks of the function. Vote of thanks was given by Mr. Bhairgouda Patil Senior Tutor, Department of Community Health Nursing. KAHER Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi. Participants of the CNE were around 180 & were from BIMS Govt, School of Nursing, Belagavi, Vijaya School of Nursing, Belagavi and KAHER Institute of Nursing Science Belagavi. Next session started at 11.00am. Swami Mokshatmanandaji Maharaj Ramkrishna Mission Ashrama, Belagavi, spoke on “Building a Positive Personality” followed by “Designing, Monitoring, Implementing & Evaluating Health Promotion Programmes” by Mr. Sanjeev Badli Senior Tutor, KAHER Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi.

Lunch facility was arranged to all the dignitaries, Teachers and Students by Department of Community Health Nursing. Post lunch session was on “Health Promotion Strategies” by Mr. Shivrajkumar Dandagi, Asst. Professor Dept. of Community Health Nursing, KAHER Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi, followed by “Role of Diet, Yoga & Nutrition in Management of Life Style Disorders” by Dr. Sanjeev Tonni Asso Prof, dept of Swasthavritta & Yoga KAHER Shri. BMK Ayurvedha Mahavidyalay, Belagavi also they took a practical class on how to practice yoga and shown us the basic yoga types with help of their students. The participants were allowed to interact and give feedback about the day. CNE came to an end by valedictory function after the distribution of the certificates.