Blood Donation Camp (12/05/2023)
On the occasion of International Nurses Day KAHER Institute of Nursing Sciences Youth Red Cross Wing in collaboration with Rotary Club of Belagavi- Darpan organized a Blood Donation Camp. Mr. Veereshkumar S.N, Programme Officer- Youth Red Cross Wing KAHER- INS, welcomed the gathering. Rotarian (RTN), Pushpa S. Paravatrao, Chief Guest for the function spoke on importance of blood donation and role of youths in social responsibilities and also encouraged to join the rotary club.
Dr.Sudha A. Raddi, Principal KAHER-INS in her presidential remarks spoke on role of Nurses in health care system and their dedication during pandemic. Shri V.S Veergi, In charge Blood Bank KLE Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital, Dr. Vittal Mane, Medical Officer, Dr. Arushi, Mr. Shivanand Khanapure, PRO and Staff arranged the facilities for the camp. Membership director RTN, Raksha Service Project director Dr. Spoorthi, Member RTN Urmika represented the Rotary Club Darpan. S.Kharade, Vice Principal KAHER-INS, Dean Dr. Preeti Bhupali and other staffs. Student Representatives Mr. Niranjan Wadekar, Mr. Arun Benni and other members participated actively. Around 60 units of blood was collected during the camp and lastly Mr. Virupakshi, Co-coordinator- Youth Red Cross Wing, KAHER-INS, proposed the vote of thanks.