Farewell (21/08/2023)

KAHER Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi ,Students Nursing Association organised a Farewell for the 2021-2023 MSc and 2019-2023 BSc outgoing batch on 21st August, 2023 in the seminar hall with great enthusiasm.

The principal Prof. Dr. Veereshkumar Nandgaon addressed the students with his inspiring words he advised the students for having determination and control to never look back and felt happy about the achievements and accomplishments of the students in the campus and wished them a happy life ahead with bright career.

After that we had the badge exchange ceremony where the Ex. SNA bearers handed over the responsibilities to the newly elected SNA bearers. Followed by giving Mementoes and certificate of appreciation to the Ex. SNA bearers. Along with them the entire outgoing batch were presented with momentoes.

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