Report of Complementary Food Cooking Competition (10/06/2022)

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Department of OBG Nursing and Child health Nursing in association with IAP Belgaum Branch organized complementary food cooking competition on 10th June 2022 on the occasion of Complementary Feeding Week 2022 for Nursing students.Complementary Food is any food or liquid other than breast milk which complements the breast feeding.

Total 10 students participated and 16 recipes were prepared. The competition was judged by Dr. SudhaRaddi, Principal, KAHER INS, Dr. RenuPattanshetti, Professor, KAHER IPT, Dr. MeenakshiMastiholi, Professor, KAHER COP, Belagavi. All students participated enthusiastically and enjoyed the competition. Head of the department from OBG Nursing and Child Health Nursing and other faculty were present and motivated the students.